Monday, December 30, 2019

Cannibalism Archaeology and Anthropology

Cannibalism refers to a range of behaviors in which one member of a species consumes the parts or all of another member. The behavior occurs commonly in numerous birds, insects, and mammals, including chimpanzees and humans. Key Takeaways: Cannibalism Cannibalism is a common behavior in birds and insects, and primates including humans.The technical term for humans eating humans is anthropophagy.  Earliest evidence for anthropophagy is 780,000 years ago, at Gran Dolina, Spain.Genetic and archaeological evidence suggests it may have been a relatively common practice in the ancient past, perhaps as part of an ancestor worship ritual.   Human cannibalism (or anthropophagy) is one of the most taboo behaviors of modern society  and at the same time one of our earliest cultural practices. Recent biological evidence suggests that cannibalism was not only not rare in ancient history, it was so common that most of us carry around genetic evidence of our self-consuming past. Categories of Human Cannibalism Although the stereotype of the cannibals feast is a pith-helmeted fellow standing in a stew pot, or the pathological antics of a serial killer, today scholars recognize human cannibalism as a wide variety of behaviors with a wide range of meanings and intentions. Outside of pathological cannibalism, which is very rare and not particularly relevant to this discussion, anthropologists and archaeologists divide cannibalism into six major categories, two referring to the relationship between consumer and consumed, and four referring to the meaning of the consumption. Endocannibalism (sometimes spelled endo-cannibalism) refers to consumption of members of ones own groupExocannibalism (or exo-cannibalism) refers to the consumption of outsidersMortuary cannibalism takes place as part of funerary rites  and can be practiced as a form of affection, or as an act of renewal and reproductionWarfare cannibalism is the consumption of enemies, which can be in part honoring brave opponents or exhibiting power over the defeatedSurvival cannibalism is consumption of weaker individuals (very young, very old, sickly) under conditions of starvation such as shipwreck, military siege, and famine Other recognized but less-studied categories include medicinal, which involves the ingestion of human tissue for medical purposes; technological, including cadaver-derived drugs from pituitary glands for human growth hormone; autocannibalism, eating parts of oneself including hair and fingernails; placentophagy, in which the mother consumes her new-born babys placenta; and innocent cannibalism, when a person is unaware that they are eating human flesh. What Does it Mean? Cannibalism is often characterized as part of the darker side of humanity, along with ​rape, slavery, infanticide, incest, and mate-desertion. All of those traits are ancient parts of our history which are associated with violence and the violation of modern social norms. Western anthropologists have attempted to explain the occurrence of cannibalism, beginning with French philosopher Michel de Montaignes 1580 essay on cannibalism seeing it as a form of cultural relativism. Polish anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski declared that everything in human society had a function, including cannibalism; British anthropologist E.E. Evans-Pritchard saw cannibalism as fulfilling a human requirement for meat. Everybody Wants to be a Cannibal American anthropologist Marshall Sahlins saw cannibalism as one of several practices that developed as a combination of symbolism, ritual, and cosmology; and Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud 502 saw it as reflective of underlying psychoses. Serial killers throughout history, including Richard Chase, committed acts of cannibalism. American anthropologist Shirley Lindenbaums extensive compilation of explanations (2004) also includes Dutch anthropologist Jojada Verrips, who argues that cannibalism may well be a deep-seated desire in all humans and the accompanying anxiety about it in us even today: the cravings for cannibalism in modern days are met by movies, books, and music, as substitutes for our cannibalistic tendencies. The remnants of cannibalistic rituals could also be said to be found in explicit references, such as the Christian Eucharist (in which worshipers consume ritual substitutes of the body and blood of Christ). Ironically, the early Christians were called cannibals by the Romans because of the Eucharist; while Christians called the Romans cannibals for roasting their victims at the stake. Defining the Other The word cannibal is fairly recent; it comes from Columbus reports from his second voyage to the Caribbean in 1493, in which he uses the word to refer to Caribs in the Antilles who were identified as eaters of human flesh. The connection with colonialism is not a  coincidence. Social discourse about cannibalism within a European or western tradition is much older, but almost always as an institution among other cultures, people who eat people need/deserve to be subjugated. It has been suggested (described in Lindenbaum) that reports of institutionalized cannibalism were always greatly exaggerated. The English explorer Captain James Cooks journals, for example, suggest that the preoccupation of the crew with cannibalism might have led the Maori to exaggerate the relish in which they consumed roasted human flesh. The True Darker Side of Humanity Post-colonial studies suggest that some of the stories of cannibalism by missionaries, administrators, and adventurers, as well as allegations by neighboring groups, were politically-motivated derogatory or ethnic stereotypes. Some skeptics still view cannibalism as never having happened, a product of the European imagination and a tool of the Empire, with its origins in the disturbed human psyche. The common factor in the history of cannibal allegations is the combination of denial in ourselves and attribution of it to those we wish to defame, conquer, and civilize. But, as Lindenbaum quotes Claude Rawson, in these egalitarian times we are in double denial, denial about ourselves has been extended to denial on behalf of those we wish to rehabilitate and acknowledge as our equals. We are All Cannibals? Recent molecular studies have suggested, however, that all of us were cannibals at one time. The genetic propensity that makes a person resistant to prion diseases (also known as transmissable spongiform encephalopathies or TSEs such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, kuru, and scrapie)—a propensity that most humans have—may have resulted from ancient human consumption of human brains. This, in turn, makes it likely that cannibalism was once a very widespread human practice indeed. More recent identification of cannibalism is based primarily on the recognition of butchering marks on human bones, the same kinds of butchering marks—long bone breakage for marrow extraction, cutmarks and chop marks resulting from skinning, defleshing and evisceration, and marks left by chewing—as that seen on animals prepared for meals. Evidence of cooking and the presence of human bone in coprolites (fossilized feces) have also been used to support a cannibalism hypothesis. Cannibalism through Human History The earliest evidence for human cannibalism to date has been discovered at the lower paleolithic site of Gran Dolina (Spain), where about 780,000 years ago, six individuals of Homo antecessor were butchered. Other important sites include the Middle Paleolithic sites of Moula-Guercy France (100,000 years ago), Klasies River Caves (80,000 years ago in South Africa), and El Sidron (Spain 49,000 years ago). Cutmarked and broken human bones found in several Upper Paleolithic Magdalenian sites (15,000-12,000 BP), particularly in the Dordogne valley of France and the Rhine Valley of Germany, including Goughs cave, hold evidence that human corpses had been dismembered for nutritional cannibalism, but skull treatment to make skull-cups also suggest possible ritual cannibalism. Late Neolithic Social Crisis During the late Neolithic in Germany and Austria (5300–4950 BCE), at several sites such as Herxheim, entire villages were butchered and eaten and their remains thrown into ditches. Boulestin and colleagues surmise a crisis occurred, an example of collective violence found at several sites in the end of the Linear Pottery culture. More recent events studied by scholars include the Anasazi site of Cowboy Wash (the United States, ca 1100 CE), Aztecs of 15th century CE Mexico, colonial-era Jamestown, Virginia, Alferd Packer, the Donner Party (both 19th century USA), and the Fore of Papua New Guinea (who stopped cannibalism as a mortuary ritual in 1959). Sources Anderson, Warwick. Objectivity and Its Discontents. Social Studies of Science 43.4 (2013): 557–76. Print.Bello, Silvia M., et al. Upper Palaeolithic Ritualistic Cannibalism at Goughs Cave (Somerset, UK): The Human Remains from Head to Toe. Journal of Human Evolution 82 (2015): 170–89. Print.Cole, James. Assessing the Calorific Significance of Episodes of Human Cannibalism in the Palaeolithic. Scientific Reports 7 (2017): 44707. Print.Lindenbaum, Shirley. Thinking About Cannibalism. Annual Review of Anthropology 33 (2004): 475–98. Print.Milburn, Josh. Chewing over in Vitro Meat: Animal Ethics, Cannibalism and Social Progress. Res Publica 22.3 (2016): 249–65. Print.Nyamnjoh, Francis B., ed. Eating and Being Eaten: Cannibalism as Food for Thought. Mankon, Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa Research Publishing CIG, 2018.Rosas, Antonio, et al. Les Nà ©andertaliens D’el Sidrà ³n (Asturies, Espagne). Actualisation D’un Nouvel Échantillon. LAnthropolog ie 116.1 (2012): 57–76. Print.Saladià ©, Palmira, et al. Intergroup Cannibalism in the European Early Pleistocene: The Range Expansion and Imbalance of Power Hypotheses. Journal of Human Evolution 63.5 (2012): 682–95.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

What is Autism - 1999 Words

Autism is a varied family of disorders, and its prevalence is on the rise. Today, one in 110 children are diagnosed with Autism. Although there are a few drugs available to treat repetitive behaviors and irritability, associated side effects can limit their use. Currently there are no effective treatments for the core symptoms of Autism which often include language and communication shortfalls, intellectual disability, epilepsy, attention deficits, and hyperactivity (Dolan et al. 5671). Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common inherited form of intellectual disability and is universally recognized as the monogenic cause of Autism. The gene responsible for Fragile X Syndrome, FMR1, is located on the long arm of the X chromosome. It contains a CGG repeat sequence in the 5’-untranslated region that, on expansion to greater than 200 repeats, results in gene methylation and transcriptional silencing of the FMR1 gene. The absence of its protein product, fragile X mental retardat ion protein (FMRP), is responsible for the clinical symptoms and pathologic findings of FXS. In the past few years, a plethora of research has been conducted in regards to Fragile X syndrome. Many scientists are hoping to uncover therapeutic agents that not only address the secondary symptoms, but the root cause of the disease as well. Absence of FMRP had been shown in a recent study to affect rates of brain protein synthesis in awake and functioning animals. In adult FMR1 knockout mice, regionalShow MoreRelatedAutism : What Causes Autism? Essay1112 Words   |  5 Pages What is Autism? How is Autism classified? What causes Autism? Why do Autism happen? There are some many questions about Autism, and what it is. Many of those questions are still unknown. Everyday researchers are exploring reasons for these questions. However, Autism was introduced in the 1940s autism was first described in the 1940s. Leo Kanner in the United States and Hans Asperger in Austria independently published papers describing children with severe social and communicative impairments. BothRead MoreWhat Can Cause Autism?1176 Words   |  5 PagesAutism has turned into a fairly common, but is a serious developmental disorder that decreases the ability to communicate and interact. This impairs social, verbal and nonverbal interaction, and also brain development. Although there are many myths to what can cause autism, there are very few known true causes or preventions. The most commonly known cause is a mutation in chromosomes. Males are four times more likely to develop autism due to females having a ‘backup’ gene. Women hold two X chromosomesRead MoreWhat Is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Essay1326 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be defined as a â€Å"complex neurological disorder† (National Research Council, 2001), ASD, is the term used to cluster four separate psychiatric disorders together under one umbrella term; Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013). Research by Swedo et al. (2012) recommended that these conditions be grouped together to produceRead MoreWhat Really Goes on With Autism?1310 Words   |  5 Pagesof what one would ever hope to be as a parent, and then some. Despite knowing absolutely nothing about autism before her son, Brody, who was diagnosed at 15 months, she not only overcame the initial state of oblivion, but she went above and beyond by joining Autism Votes as the local co-chair. â€Å"I didn’t even know what the details were at first, but knew I wanted to be involved as much as possible so I agreed immediately†, Nikki explained. 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Two essays I recently came across, â€Å"Joey: A ‘Mechanical Boy’† written by Bruno Bettelheim and â€Å"Thinking in Pictures†, written by Temple Grandin, share the common topic at hand, autism. Both essays talk about the struggles autism brings to not onlyRead MoreWhat Do We Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder?1390 Words   |  6 PagesWhat Do We Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder? Actress Holly Robinson Peete once stated, â€Å"I m not a doctor or scientist. I m just a mom. But I do think there s a genetic predisposition, and there are environmental triggers. I feel like that combination, in my child s case, is what resulted in autism.† Holly Robinson could have not said it in a better way. What is the cause of autism? Is autism solely caused by genetics or a combination of genetics and environmental influences? What does makeRead MoreWhat Is Abradaba Increase Reading Accuracy For Students With Autism?750 Words   |  3 PagesBenjamin et al. 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Introduction This essay gives an overview of the current transition process in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it seeks to ask the question, is procedure satisfactory and furthermore does it consider whether it should be used across the country. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is suggested to be a lifelong neurodevelopmentalRead MoreA Variable Developmental Disorder1533 Words   |  7 PagesAutism Introduction Alexis Wineman the first woman with ASD to participate in the Miss America competition. While Alexis was in middle school she was diagnosed with PDD-NOS which is a form of ASD. She felt different at an early age, and only struggled more as she got older. As she got older she had to overcome the challenges that came with having ASD, such as: communication problems, speech impediments, sensitivity to loud sounds, and other sensory-related issues. Bullying was also a problem because

Friday, December 13, 2019

Democracy Free Essays

Democracy Democracy has become a dominant form of the government, that using in many countries. Democracy is a government form, which is the citizen should have a decision to vote their leader directly for their own country or elect the leader for the other problems. Democracy can develop it, if the majority and the minority party or the association willing works together. We will write a custom essay sample on Democracy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Which is everybody can talk and have an opinion, than will put the all idea together and take a better decision for the problem. With democracy form, the one elected leader will work as maximum as possible for the citizens. Than the citizens can see and make a decision about what the elected leader have done to the country and also they have elected the right or wrong leader. Democracy is based on the concept, that everybody in the world is the same, no matter what they are a president or a king. In democracy also have no different between how people look like. For example: White and black, lower class and middle class. Furthermore, not everybody have an equal physically or mentally. The important thing, democracy is all human being have equality. In democracy have an important concept. The first concept is all of the citizens that living in one country, that should be equal, which have an idea and an opinion than issues to the public. The important thing, while elect the candidates for the country leader, that everybody needs to listen to the candidates because the candidates have a different ideas and plans to what they will do for the country. The candidates also need a concept of equality to speech in front all of country citizen, which will vote for the election about what their plans for the future, if they win as a country leader. Even though, the citizens divide to a different side of parties. The United State of America is using the democracy form. Four years ago, Barrack Obama won the election from John McCain as a 44th president of the United State of America, which was using a democracy form. For the 2012 president election, which Barrack Obama and Mitt Romney were candidates for the president and won by Obama. That is one of example for the democracy form. All American citizen need to participate in the election because all of them are important. They have a better decision to vote and make a difference between both of presidential candidates for the next four years for America. The second concept, the citizens, the government and the candidates should be freedom. This democracy concept is based on equality concept because with freedom people will free to have and issues the idea and opinion to the public and the people also should be listening to each other. Than combine the ideas and opinion and take a good decision, which is can keep a good name of the country. â€Å"Democracy depends on citizen participation in all these ways. But participation must be peaceful, respectful of the law, and tolerant of the different views of other groups and individuals. † Even though the democracy concept is freedom and equality, but without participation of citizen, the democracy form cannot work. The country needs a citizen to participate and also need respect for the law. The concept of freedom is not about the citizen become a totally free under the government. That problem can only become an anarchy, where have no government to control the country. The citizens are totally free from everything; they can do what ever they like. For Example: The country has a corruption, everywhere people are poor people and many of them become a murderer to get money, in order to survive their self. Hereafter, the freedom concept has free to choose any religion, to worship and to practice the religion. Further, also free develop their own culture; teach the culture to each other. Democracy also allows the people move from the country. Furthermore, democracy is the system that follows the rule. â€Å"The rule of law protects the rights of citizens, maintains order, and limits the power of government. With having a rule of law, the country can be affordable because everything is safe; they have a right of citizen. Everybody who life in a democracy forms that will be equal to each other because the citizens live under the law. With the law people cannot do what ever they like because they will get no excuse for it. For example: One of the government official grafts the money from one of the project. That is a big problem beca use he or she is breaking the rule of law in democracy form. The sanction at least the government official will go to the jail. For Example: Indonesia, if the government Official and a businessman have a problem with to the government or to other problem, and also corruption, will have a decision to go to the jail. Forward, all of citizens and government have equality under the law. â€Å"No one may be taxed or prosecuted except by a law established in advance. † In democracy country, no one can live without the law, because everybody in one country is all the citizen of the country. Than the citizen cannot make any changes for the law, even for the president cannot break the law because law is established and adhered to. The form of democracy is very good to use in the government. The citizen will have a freedom to chose the country leader, which is they have time to decision and also make it a different for the country, also for their self. Everybody in democracy form always have to get equality between the citizen and the government. The citizen who have an ideas or opinion and can issue their opinion to the government, which is can make any change for the country and help the people in the country. The democracy can make the government easier to control the citizen and the country because the people are obedient against the rule of law. Further, the country is safer from the criminal, from the project corruption and also can help the citizen to improve their self to become a better citizen than useful for the country. Reference: 1. â€Å"What Is Democracy? † What Is Democracy? Web. 09 Nov. 2012. http://www. stanford. edu/~ldiamond/iraq/WhaIsDemocracy012004. htm. 2. Grigsby, Ellen. Analyzing Politics. 4th ed. How to cite Democracy, Papers Democracy Free Essays Etymologically, democracy comes from two Greek words, demos and cratein. Demos means society while cratein means authority. There are many terminological definitions of democracy, one of it is definition is by Henry B. We will write a custom essay sample on Democracy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mayo stating that democracy is a political system showing the public policy determined by representatives audited effectively by the society by having periodic elections based on principles of political similarities in a situation where there is freedom to choose.This means that the government has to accept opinions and critics from the society and no right to interfere with non-formal democracy facilities, also the freedom of speech and media. Democracy has its three roles, to be the government of the people, by the people and for the people; †¢A valid government is an approved government that has the support of majority of the people through elections. †¢Government’s authority has to be upon the people not from the elite personal and bureaucracy drive. †¢Government’s authority has to be established by the basis the people’s needs Democracy: Norms of CoexistenceThere are six norms for a democratic society, which are: 1. Realization of pluralism T he acknowledgement of differences has to be acted to appreciate different perspectives, shrinking any acts of supremacy of the majorities and tyranny of the minorities. 2. Discussions Having diplomatic and mature citizens who can accept negotiations and compromises socially or politically with no hard feelings on every decisions made 3. To gain has to be in sync with the goal It is not enough to apply democracy on elections and such, but there has be morals and with no need for threats and enforcements 4.Norm of honesty and agreements Mastering the art of discussions to be honest and transparent, giving a win-win situation for all 5. Freedom of conscience and egalitarianism This norm will develop greatly if assumed positively, if not, it will show the potential of being secretive and misunderstanding 6. Trial and error Democracy needs experiments and participation of the people in order to have the maximal achievement of this norm Democracy is not a one-day process that can be gained in a short time. It is a long and risky journey to reach the topia of democracy and patience is the key for achieving it. . History of Democracy Democracy was first started in Greece on the 6th century B. C until the 4th century A. D. It was once a system where it is the people’s right to decide on politics, however the system was biased because the haves were dominating. Then, in the medieval times, democracy strikes again when Magna Charta was born in England, stating that the King’s authority was limited and the people’s rights were more important than the King’s. The great era of Renaissance, which means rebirth in French, sparked more democracy in Europe. After Renaissance, the Reformation Movement, which is the revolution of religion in the 16th century, revived democracy after its defeat in the medieval times. Martin Luther King was one of the critics fighting against the churches and absolutism, he stated that rationalities are based on the natural law and social contract.. Social contract, defined by Montesquieu, is the main system which guarantees political rights through trias politica, which is the division of authority: legislative, executive and judicative.All this centuries of democracy resurgences is to obtain the welfare state. Democracy in Indonesia 1. 1945-1959 Known as the Parliamentary Democracy, it is not suitable for Indonesia with its lack of democracy background, giving the chance for political parties to dominate socio-politic life. This furthers the fragmentation of politic derived from stereotypes of ethnics and religion. 2. 1959-1965 Named as Guided Democracy, known for its domination from the president and the outbreak of communism and military role in the national politics.The main flaw of this democracy is the absolutism and centralization of authority for the president causing loss of social control and check balance from legislatives towards executives. 3. New Order (1965-1998) The New Order was started in the Soeharto era, a solution for adjusting the deviation of the UUD 1945 from the previous system. It is believed to aid the achievement of the 3 goals, to enforce and validate the principles of law of the state, having a adequate economical life for each individuals, and protecting the human rights and justice. However, this order starts new problems such as the domination of military forces, bureaucracy of decision arrangements, elimination and of the roles of political parties, government’s interference to political parties, monotilized ideology of nation, in cooperation of non-government institutions 4. Post-New Order (1998-present) The Reformation era is usually connected to the movement of reformed society demanding democracy and human rights. Reformation started at Mei 1998 when Soeharto resigns, leaving the society no responsiveness towards Pancasila.This is the type of democracy which has no strings attached, where the rights of each individual is the main component in the mechanism of a democratic regime. Elements of Democracy 1. The Rule of Law and Rechtsstaat) It is defined as a state giving law protection for the people through fair and open justice institutions, also guaranteeing human rights of the individuals. Rechtsstaat has the concept of having security for human ri ghts, divisions for state authorities, government based on the law and justification of administration. The Rule of Law is known to have supremacy of the rules of law, equality before the law and assurance of human rights 2. Civil Society Civil society is an open society, having equal of obligation and rights and no pressure from the nation. Participation form the society is the significant key for democracy, having the civic engagement in order to help the process of decision makings. 3. Alliance of Strategic Groups This component includes political parties, movement and pressure groups. Political parties are designed to gain authority and rank to accomplish political policies.Movement groups are a group of people assembled in an organization oriented at society’s empowerment. for example Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Persatuan Islam, Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam, Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasionalis Indonesia and etc. Last but not least, the pressure groups are the organization based on a interest criteria, for example Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, Asosiasi Ilmuwan Politik Indonesia and so on. These three groups have an important role towards democracy, increasing the critical minds, independence, constitutional in stating the mission and importance of each organization.The press and the intellectuals are also a vital essential for democracy, giving a significant application on having a democratic system. Parameters of Democratic Life Democracy isn’t just a dissertation with principles but it has a parameter and surface area which scopes: 1. Election is a process of forming a government, until now election is the most fair and a main instrument in a government replacement 2. Structure of state power is the division and distribution of authority in order to avoid an integrated control in one region or department 3. Society control is the authority relation which goes on symmetrically, has a clear connection and a check and balance mechanism Election and Political Party in a Democratic System Election is a democratic mechanism to decide on the rotation of governance structure where the people are given political rights. It has to be held routinely with a transparent competition between the political parties Political party has an significant role in democracy, as a political structure which gains the authority and political rank. It is also a center of the people’s aspirations.This role is an implementation of values of democracy which consists of people’s participation through society control. There are various systems of parties, such as one party system, two party system and multiparty system. Islam and Democracy There are three views on Islam and democracy: 1. Islam and democracy is two different political system, Islam cannot be subordinated with democracy since Islam is a sel f-sufficient political system 2. Islam is different compared to democracy if the democracy is defined as a procedure understood and practiced in Western countries 3. 3.Islam is a system value which corrects and supports democracy just like the Western countries have There are arguments against the development of democracy in Islam, first, the misunderstood and biased view on democratic practice. Most Muslims consider democracy as something in contradiction of Islam. In order to anticipate this, it is needed to liberate the religious thought to search for consensus and synthesis between Islam and democracy. Secondly, it’s a matter of culture since some Muslims are used to autocracy and absolutism. Lastly, it is said that it is only natural that democracy slows up its development in Islam. How to cite Democracy, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Evaluation the Performance of Entity-Free-Samples-Myassignement

Question: Write a report on Leadership in evaluating the performance of an Entity. Answer: The role of leadership is explained in the current assignment after assessing the financial performance of Superior manufacturing company. Current state of the firm states that profit of the firm is determined by considering all the elements of the income statements of the business concern. Current profit of the firm is $310000 which shows that overall costs incurred in an entity is less as compared to the overall sales and the revenue generated by the business entity (Bolman Deal, 2017). In this case, leadership principle is to be followed by the finance manager of the superior manager company to control the higher sales and the revenue by investing the higher generated profit into different income sources to produce higher returns within a given span of time. The income statements of an entity can be observed as one of the financial statements in evaluating the performance of the business concern. Finance manager can easily track the financial position of superior manufacturing firm to improve its current performance. It has been noticed that higher profit generated y the firm is not beneficial as this will, in turn, increases the tax obligations charged at 30% on the generated profit (Ozkan, Cakan Kayacan, 2017). Tax charged on $310000@30% is $93000. Income after tax of the firm will be $217000. A finance manager of an entity can use transformational leadership style to convince all the personnel to act in the favour of an entity as the finance manager of the superior manufacturing entity will explain all the benefits of working in this entity will help in ensuring the survival of all the employees n this entity for long term purpose. It is recommended to the owner of the firm to reduce their current tax obligations of $93000 by investing the total profit of $310000 into bonds, Systematic investment plan which helps in increasing the return on investments. This mode helps in safeguarding the tax imposed on the total income of an entity. References Bolman, L. G., Deal, T. E. (2017).Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley Sons. Ozkan, N., Cakan, S., Kayacan, M. (2017). Intellectual capital and financial performance: A study of the Turkish Banking Sector.Borsa Istanbul Review. 17(3). 190-198.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Research in management

Introduction Research is important in every area of the society. It enables people and governments to solve problems appropriately by choosing the most appropriate solution to any problem affecting the population. It also helps in good management of resources. Research involves obtaining statistical values and analyzing them.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research in management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Research proposal This is done by first identifying the research that one wants to conduct; this includes an introduction of the study with a problem statement, hypothesis, definition of terms and a summary. The introduction is supposed to give the reader the background information and objectives of the research. A section of the method to be used in the research should be included. This include the design, subject of participants, instruments and the procedure showing the plan and the activities which wi ll be involved in the study. This should be followed by some idea about the data that will be collected. A discussion and limitations of the research study should also be indicated (Salkind, 2010). Literature review is important as it reveals that the researcher understands the research problem (Salkind, 2010). Identifying the appropriate sampling population and method for data collection is significant. It may be interviews with questionnaires. The data is then collected and finally analysis of this data carried out. Research Manuscript A research manuscript is written after the research is done, data analyzed and conclusion and recommendations done. At this stage it is ready to be published. The research manuscript is written by identifying a title which describes the research concisely, clear and attractive to the readers. The researcher should also give a summary of the research precisely. It should also include an introduction, materials and methods. Results, discussion, refere nces and appendices must be included. Author notes, footnotes, table captions, tables, figure captions and figures are also important to enhance understanding of the research carried out (Salkind, 2010). Data collection and analysis Data collection and analysis is the base of statistics. Statistics therefore include collection, organization and interpretation of the data collected. There are two types of statistics namely descriptive and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics are used to make conclusion in the results of data whereas descriptive statistics describe the qualities of a given sample (McMillan, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Effective research ensures that the collected data represents the population on which the research is being done (Salkind, 2010). For example, if one wants to conduct a research in teenagers in a particular district it is imp ortant that there is equal distribution in sampling areas including both boys and girls. From the data that one collects, one is able to make a conclusion if for instance it was drug abuse the percentage of teenager abusing drugs in that population. Data interpretation should always avoid assumption, but to some extent one may conclude that the result or probability that a person is a teenage is a drug abuser is a matter of chance, this occurs when one is not able to find any evidence that it is because, e.g. of family background that the teenage is not abusing drugs. A research always works towards avoiding any assumptions by ensuring that the questionnaires cover many issues related to that research to improve the accuracy. The researcher should also try to collect his data from a normal population. Once sample data has been gathered through an observational study or experiment, statistical inference allows analysts to assess evidence in favor or some claim about the population fr om which the sample has been drawn. The methods of inference used to support or reject claims based on sample data are known as tests of significance. (Test of significance, n.d., p. 1) This test of significance is subject to null hypothesis H0, which is believed to be true but has not been proved. Since sampling is not 100% perfect and does not cover every sample that is available, one is likely to make some errors. The null hypothesis is subject to acceptance or rejection. If the null hypothesis is true and from the results is rejected, this is known as type I error. It has some level of significance, which are conventional values associated with it. When one accepts a force null hypothesis, this is known as Type II error (Salkind, 2010) Descriptive research is a kind of research that works to explain a give research in relation to other environmental factor. However it does not restricted to any group such as teenagers .For example the use of alcohol and drug abuse in a given are a regardless of age or gender (Salkind, 2010) Survey research on the other hand studies intensively. It even involves the thoughts of the respondent while conducting a survey research. This calls for an intensive interview to the respondents and needs to be handled with a lot of care and attention. The interview questions are closed or open ended.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Research in management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To increase efficiency and effectiveness, there is need for clarity of objectives and an appropriate sample is necessary. In addition one needs to come up with questions that are simplified or structured but should be easy to analyze and directed to particular goals (Salkind, 2010). Correlation research is the research that measures the degree of linear relationship between two variables. The correlation coefficient varies from -1 to 1.The positive correlation is shows that there is a positive relationship between two variables while negative correlation indicates a negative association between two variables (Salkind, 2010). To be effective in research, one must find an appropriate research method. These experimental designs include pre-experimental, true experimental and quasi experimental which is also known as casual comparative design (Salkind, 2010). Pre experimental design is not characterized by random selection of participants from a population and does not involve a control group. True experimental designs include all the steps in selecting and assigning subjects in a random fashion, plus a control group leading to a greater efficiency and comparison (Salkind, 2010). Quasi experimental method is different from pre-experimental and experimental methods in that the hypothesized cause of differences you might observe between groups have already occurred. This means that pre assignment of groups has already occurred. There are different designs that can b e used in quasi experiments. The most common is non equivalent control group design especially when it is impossible or difficult to assign subjects randomly to groups. Static group comparison design is used when one cannot randomize and cannot administer a pretest (Salkind, 2010). Single subject research design is a good method of understanding causal relationships that looks at individual rather than groups. They are mostly used in behavioral analysis and education. Multiple baseline design is a good design where two behaviors, two subjects or two occasions are selected for a study and a treatment applied to one of them. In this way the behavior, the participant, or situations in which treatment is not present serves as a baseline against which the effects of treatment can be determined (Salkind, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In developmental research one may apply longitudinal method. This determines changes in behavior in a group of subject for more than one point in time. A cross sectional method can also be used. This is done by examining one group of people repeatedly over a time. A good combination of the methods in a particular study enhances accuracy of the results. Conclusion For one to obtain accurate results, it is important that to consider the, most appropriate method to carry out the research. Inferential statistics help one to make the right decision. The research project should therefore describe its purpose clearly on the methods and activities so as to accomplish its purpose. References McMillan, J. (2005). Data Analysis and Collection. Web. Salkind, N.J. (2010). Exploring Research. New York, NY: Prentice Hall. Tests of Significance. (n.d.). Tests of Significance. Retrieved from This essay on Research in management was written and submitted by user Harvey Barrera to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on The 13th Warrior Vs. Beowulf

The 13th Warrior Vs. Beowulf Michael Crichton intertwined some aspects of Beowulf with his own thoughts to produce the drama, â€Å"The 13th Warrior.† Beowulf, written down by an unnamed Christian monk in the 8th century, served as a framework for the plot of â€Å"The 13th Warrior.† Beowulf and â€Å"The 13th Warrior† have many differences but the similarities that they share are more abundant through out the two pieces. Instead of doing a direct translation of Beowulf, the writer of the â€Å"The 13th Warrior† used his creativity to fabricate a new story. To start off, â€Å"The 13th Warrior† is seen through the eyes of Antonio Banderas’ character, Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan, while Beowulf told the story of Beowulf from a third person point of view. The protagonists, Beowulf (Beowulf), and Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan (â€Å"The 13th Warrior†) are of different ethnic groups; Beowulf is Swedish and Ahmed is Arabic. In â€Å"The 13th Warrior† groups of men fight the evil which is in the form of men dressed up as bears, possibly to seem more frightening, and their mother, who is an evil witch. Beowulf generally fights the evil, which is represented by Grendel and his mother, who are both monsters, descendants of Cain, alone. The warriors of â€Å"The 13th Warrior† and Beowulf, clearly, had incongruous reasons for fighting the bear men. Beowulf wanted to be famous and with fame com es fortune. Beowulf was supercilious unlike the men in â€Å"The 13th Warrior.† Ahmed and his comrades were not offered money or any reward; they did not, necessarily, want to be remembered for their heroic deeds at Herot; they just wanted to help save the villagers. Like Beowulf and Ahmed, Grendel and the bear men had incongruous reasons for attacking Herot. Every night the men of Beowulf would stay up late laughing, dancing, drinking; celebrating their greatness. Grendel grew weary of this night after night and eventually sought his revenge. Grendel attacked because he... Free Essays on The 13th Warrior Vs. Beowulf Free Essays on The 13th Warrior Vs. Beowulf The 13th Warrior Vs. Beowulf Michael Crichton intertwined some aspects of Beowulf with his own thoughts to produce the drama, â€Å"The 13th Warrior.† Beowulf, written down by an unnamed Christian monk in the 8th century, served as a framework for the plot of â€Å"The 13th Warrior.† Beowulf and â€Å"The 13th Warrior† have many differences but the similarities that they share are more abundant through out the two pieces. Instead of doing a direct translation of Beowulf, the writer of the â€Å"The 13th Warrior† used his creativity to fabricate a new story. To start off, â€Å"The 13th Warrior† is seen through the eyes of Antonio Banderas’ character, Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan, while Beowulf told the story of Beowulf from a third person point of view. The protagonists, Beowulf (Beowulf), and Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan (â€Å"The 13th Warrior†) are of different ethnic groups; Beowulf is Swedish and Ahmed is Arabic. In â€Å"The 13th Warrior† groups of men fight the evil which is in the form of men dressed up as bears, possibly to seem more frightening, and their mother, who is an evil witch. Beowulf generally fights the evil, which is represented by Grendel and his mother, who are both monsters, descendants of Cain, alone. The warriors of â€Å"The 13th Warrior† and Beowulf, clearly, had incongruous reasons for fighting the bear men. Beowulf wanted to be famous and with fame com es fortune. Beowulf was supercilious unlike the men in â€Å"The 13th Warrior.† Ahmed and his comrades were not offered money or any reward; they did not, necessarily, want to be remembered for their heroic deeds at Herot; they just wanted to help save the villagers. Like Beowulf and Ahmed, Grendel and the bear men had incongruous reasons for attacking Herot. Every night the men of Beowulf would stay up late laughing, dancing, drinking; celebrating their greatness. Grendel grew weary of this night after night and eventually sought his revenge. Grendel attacked because he...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Write a descriptive account of your experience of caring for a patient Essay

Write a descriptive account of your experience of caring for a patient with a variety of needs - Essay Example Every morning I would find him lying on his bed, crying, or talking to himself or to his dead brother. It was obvious that he was in emotional pain. I would greet him with a smile and try to engage him to a few minutes of discussion. I felt that I was comforting him from his thoughts. At the same time, I was actively trying to assess his mood, his flow of thoughts and detect any changes that I had to report to the attending physician. Afterwards I had to give him the medications and make sure that he would take them. Mr. D had a Foley catheter installed, so that he didn’t have to get out of bed often. It was dangerous for him to get up unassisted, because he could fall, due to orthostatic hypotension. I always checked the catheter to make sure it was in the proper position, avoiding urine retention. Then I would check his temperature, pulse and ask about symptoms such as pain or discomfort at the lower abdomen, to make sure that he did not have a urinary tract infection (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 2006). I would also check the intravenous line, observing for signs of thrombophlebitis or skin inflammation at the catheter site. Afterwards, I would assist him to step on the scales, as I kept a constant watch over his weight, both for nutritional and fluid overload reasons. He would always ask me to help him move around the room, and sometimes it was obvious that he was in pain, mainly due to his severe hip osteoarthritis. He would ask me to hold him as he was standing at the window and stared at the view. At those moments, I couldn’t help thinking how lonely he was and how much pain he must have been experiencing, both emotional and somatic. I would then help him sit and eat the breakfast, as I was carefully and tactfully checking his room for dangerous items that he might use to hurt himself. I would come back one more time at noon, to check on him and help him eat lunch. I had to make sure that he would eat

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writing is an Art Form Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Writing is an Art Form - Essay Example Writers on the other hand, those who create art that challenges the imagination and visual capacity of our brains, continue to languish in the background as little celebrated forms of art. That is a reality that most writers have come to accept even while considering that writing as an art form is almost as old as time itself. The hieroglyphs in the ancient Egyptian tombs were proven to actually be an ancient form of hand writing, the Dead Sea Scrolls and other books that make up the Bible, were written by hand in a language understandable to those of its time. These are artifacts that archeologists and social experts consider to be an ancient form of art with one significant thing in common, these were all done by hand in the most intricate form of writing possible. That type of writing art form is known as Calligraphy and yes, it is considered an art form in our modern times. Those who disagree with calling writing an art form do so on the basis that writing is something that they view more as a skill rather than an art. They argue that writing is something that can be learned in school, taught in creative writing classes, and practiced or improved upon. It is their belief that writing is more of a general purpose concept that provides a utilitarian purpose rather than an artistic one. ( For and Against â€Å"Writing is Really an Art Form†) ... It does not spoon feed the minds of its readers / viewers. It begs the person to go beyond what he can see and instead, analyze what the written word is making him see, hear, and feel. That is the true magic that can only be experienced by someone who is truly an artistic writer. Writing, just like any other art form requires a tremendous amount of training, patience, and education. Just as painters go to art school and photographers go to photography school, writers go to journalism or creative writing school in order to further understand their craft. While painters learn about how the strokes of their brushes and the combination of colors on their canvass creates a picture for the viewers, writers learn that the stroke of a pen and the stringing together of just the right words can transport their readers into another place and time just as a painting would. Photographers observe the world around them and take a visual picture of what they observe to be the good and bad, the beaut iful and the ugly about their surroundings. Writers on the other hand, creatively portray the situation around them, challenging their readers to decide for themselves if the picture as portrayed in words truly does justice to what their mind can see. That is what art is all about. Be it by paint brush, camera lens, or stroke of a pen, or a tap on the keyboard, these people bring their emotions to the front of their work by stirring the same emotions in their viewers and readers. This is a far more difficult task when done in the form of writing as a writer must use a perfect balance of descriptive words to bring his emotions to light. Whereas a painter or photographer merely recreates his emotions using actual materials or things in

Monday, November 18, 2019

Emerson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Emerson - Essay Example Emerson, a former preacher forced from his church for preaching his own radical ideas on Christianity, uses strong arguments to try and get us to understand his individual philosophical perspective. Emerson tries to be the embodiment of every man not merely the writer/intellectual. He seeks affinity with all men striving for individuality, especially those disillusioned with society's constraints. Just because not conforming to the expectations of society was a compelling discovery for Emerson, one hundred and fifty years ago, today it is unlikely to rally the same enthusiasm Emerson had then. Especially when Emerson exhorts: "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world." (Emerson, pg. 876) Have we found that power to trust ourselves "And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort and advancing on Chaos and the Dark" (Emerson, pg. 875) "Self-Reliance" expressed the need for creative ... The quote "To be great is to be misunderstood" (Emerson, pg. 879) exemplified those who shunned ideas regarding new thought and theory during his time. Today's era echo's a different chord. We constantly thrive on the newest and latest in writing, music, television and video games. We are easily bored with things unimaginative, over used and over-romanticized. Entertainment has become very individualized. As for self-sufficiency, what kid attending his first day of school isn't already inundated with the prospect of being programmed to become self-reliant If a child appears too dependant early on, parent-teacher conferences are soon in order to correct the problem. Independence is revered; free spiritedness that creates chaos is frowned upon, in classrooms and in society. Emerson muses: "What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." (Emerson, pg. 877) Again, Emerson's romantic notion of the free thinker on his mountain top living by his own set of values and beliefs is not a new concept today. Our society freely condones creative thinking as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. We've gone full-circle in terms of expressing individuality and freedom. Our freedom

Friday, November 15, 2019

Food Safety Hazards in Drying and Marinating Food

Food Safety Hazards in Drying and Marinating Food Food Microbiology Assignment topic: You have been approached by a local businesswoman who has developed a dried snack food to sell from her market stall. The product is made from thin strips of steak which are marinated with herbs and spices for 24 hours prior to being dried by gentle heating. The final dried meat product is stored at ambient temperature and intended for consumption without further processing as a snack food. a. What advice would you give the businesswoman regarding the potential food safety hazards that may be present in the snack product? Justify the reason for including each hazard in your advice.(Suggested word limit 500 words; 30% of the marks) b. What additional information would you request from the businesswoman to assist you in determining if the snack product is being prepared safely and consistently? Explain why the information you request would be important in establishing the safety of the food.(Suggested word limit 700 words; 50% of the marks) c. A sample of product is available for laboratory analysis. State which tests would be appropriate for this ready-to-eat product and the microbiological criteria you would apply to determine if the food was fit for human consumption.(Suggested word limit 300 words; 20% of the marks) *delete this after doing* Question (a) What advice would you give the businesswoman regarding the potential food safety hazards that may be present in the snack product? Justify the reason for including each hazard in your advice.(Suggested word limit 500 words; 30% of the marks) Developing the dried snack food requires food processing which includes transforming raw plants and animal materials, such as grains, meat and dairy. It is important that food safety is emphasized when developing food products as this can make them be safer to consume by destroying the toxins and also the elimination or inhibition of pathogens. Refrigerating, freezing, fermenting, drying and adding salt or sugar are techniques that can slow or stop the growth of pathogens. Processes that use heat such as pasteurization and cooking can eliminate pathogens. As this techniques do help to protect consumers, most cases involving foodborne illness include raw animal products, fruits and vegetables that have been contaminated by pathogens. (Hopkins, 2015, p. 9) In regards to the development of the dried snack food, this product is made from thin strips of steak, which is a source of meat, originating from livestock animals and organisms are most likely to be present in raw meats. All animals carry bacteria in their intestine as they were from Farms. The organisms that are likely to be present here are Bacterias, and they are such as E.coli and Salmonella spp. The organism, E.coli, is a common bacteria that lives in the lower gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals. It can be isolated from water and soil, and though most strains are harmless, there are some strains of E.coli that are capable of producing powerful toxins that can be causing severe illness. As this organism lives in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, animals to human transmission is possible. Meat can be contaminated during the slaughtering or during processing, and infection can occur from eating contaminated undercooked meat (E.coli, UCSF Medical Center, 2002-2015). In particularly, one E.coli strain called E.coli O157:H7 can cause severe diarrhea and kidney damage (E.coli O157:H7 Infection, New York State, December 2006). E.coli O157 is a lipopolysaccharide 157 strain, and generally E.coli is a gram-negative bacteria, facultative anaerobe and non-sporulating bacteria. In its habitat, E.coli is a commensal bacteria and has rapid colonization. Beef and dairy cattle are known reservoirs for E.coli O157 and for example, the likelihood of consuming food such as beef burgers, human will get infected after consumption. Apart from the gut, E.coli is also found in soil. E.coli O157 may colonize the gastrointestinal tract of cattle, and potentially contaminate beef carcasses during processing. E.coli bacteria are classified by their O and H antigens and broadly categorized as Shiga toxin-producing E.coli O157 or non-O157 STEC. (Marler, Clark, 2005-2015). Another organism that can be present in the meat, is Salmonella. Salmonella, lives in the intestines of humans, animals and birds. Salmonella may be found in the gut of many animals, including wild animals, farm animals and pets. Poultry are especially more likely to carry Salmonella. With proper and adequate cooking of meat and poultry, it usually kills Salmonella bacteria. Humans can become infected if they eat undercooked meat that is contaminated with Salmonella. (Dr Wright, Michelle, 2013) The usage of herbs and spices for the marination of the meat in this snack product brings about additional microbiological hazards, which includes Bacillus and some other spore-forming organisms that are capable of withstanding the drying process and producing toxins. Herbs and spices originate from plants and likelihood of the spore-forming organisms to be present. Bacillus species are endospore-forming aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, Gram-positive bacteria and the spores are resistant to heat, cold, radiation, dessication and disinfectants and it is a frequent cause of contamination. Bacillus species are well known in the food industries as troublesome spoilage organisms (NCBI Bookshelf, 1996). Another sporeforming organism present in the food would be the Clostridium species. Clostridium is spore-forming Gram- Positive anaerobes bacteria. They are known to have produce variety of toxins, of which could be fatal (MicrobeWiki, 2010). Having to state the above microbiological hazards, there are physical and chemical hazards too in regards to the potential food safety hazards in food manufacturing process. In physical hazards, sources for such contaminants include raw materials, badly maintained facilities/equipment and improper production procedures. Processors must have procedures to control physical hazards and also include hazard analysis portion of developing a HACCP plan (Food Safety – Physical Hazards, 2005). Chemical hazards include pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones and antibiotics, and additives. These shall be addressed in steps of the production process, which include the storage, during usage, during processing and prior to shipment of product. For the food safety management system, all chemicals used in manufactured product should have specifications developed, as well as a letter of guarantee from the manufacturer (Food Safety – Chemical Hazards, 2005). b. What additional information would you request from the businesswoman to assist you in determining if the snack product is being prepared safely and consistently? Explain why the information you request would be important in establishing the safety of the food.(Suggested word limit 700 words; 50% of the marks) In regards to the safe and consistent preparation of the snack product, it should include the following additional informations such as the slaughtering process, the heating process, the storage, the hygiene factors and proper preservation process. As the product is made from meat, there has to be proper slaughtering process. In order to ensure that meat supply is safe, it is important that the businesswoman make efforts to keep feces from spreading from the animals’ intestines or hides onto tables and the tools for slaughtering and butchering, or infact onto the meat itself. This is emphasized because in meat preparation, especially during the butchering, contamination does take place especially if the production lines of the processing moved so quickly, leading to likelihood of contamination of bacteria in meat and eventually causing foodborne illnesses (GRACE, Communications Foundation, 2015). In addition, she can also include meat inspection, so that she can ensure that the product for commercial sale is safely produced with the government inspectors present. Such inspection program is based on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system. This allows removing potentially contaminated meat from the p roduction line during the slaughtering processes. Time and temperatures of marinating It is stated that the strips of the steak are marinated with herbs and spices for 24 hours, prior to being dried by gentle heating. This is seen as marinating outdoor and in room temperature, and bacteria can quickly multiply on raw meat. Marinating at room temperatures causes meat to enter the Danger zone between 40 degrees F. and 140 degrees F., where bacteria multiply rapidly (Stradley, Linda, 2004-2014). Marinating times vary depending on the type of cut and size of the meat. All meats are best refrigerated after marinating The second factor would be the heating process. It is stated that the strips of the steak are marinated with herbs and spices for 24 hours and they are dried by gentle heating. In this process, it is important that the businesswoman ensures that the heating of the meat is long enough so that most of the pathogens are killed off. The heating parameters to be applied in meat processing can vary considerably in temperature and duration, depending of the type of product. Heat treatment methods cause various physical and chemical alterations in meat, which also results in the beneficial sensory and hygienic effects on processed products (FAO, United Nations 2013). For processed meat products, the exact temperature control is indispensable as there should be balance found between the two opposite requirements and they are firstly, heat treatments temperatures should be raised high enough to accomplish proper microbial reduction for shelf life extension, and the other, the heat treatment te mperatures should be kept low enough to prevent deterioration of the eating quality. The organisms least affected by the conditions on meat surfaces are Salmonellla and E.coli and are likely to be the main hazards on meat of normal pH held at room temperatures. Mesophilic bacteria are involved in food contamination and degradation such as in meats Times and temperatures of drying The storage In the proper preservation process, it includes the water activity (aw), which is a free water in the food product References: About E. coli — Copyright  ©. Marler, Clark. (2005-2015). OutBreak, Inc., All Rights Reserved. [Web page]. Clostridium – MicrobeWiki. (26 July 2010). [Web page]. Dr Wright, Michelle. (2013). Patient: Trusted Medical information and support, Health Information, Salmonella. [Web page]. E.coli O157:H7 Infection, New York State. (December 2006). Department of Health, Information for a Healthy New York. [Web page]. E.coli, Patient Education, UCSF Medical Center. (2002-2015). University of California San Francisco, UCSF, Patient Education, E.coli. [Web page]. GRACE, Communications Foundation. (2015). Sustainable Table, Food Processing and Slaughterhouses. Food Safety. [Web page]. FAO, United Nations. (2013). Meat and meat products in human nutrition. Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [Web page]. FAO, United Nations. (2013). Heat treatment of Meat products. Meat processing technology. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. [Web page]. Food safety – Physical Hazards. (2005). University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. [Web page]. Food safety – Chemical Hazards. (2005). University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. [Web Page]. Johns, Hopkins. (2015). FOOD PROCESSING, LESSON PLAN. Bloomberg School of Public Health, p 3, 9. [Web page]. NCBI Bookshelf. (1996). Bacillus Medical Microbiology. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. [Web page]. Stradley, Linda. (2004-2014). What’s Cooking America. Marinating meat Guidelines, Marinating 101, Food safety tips. [Web page].

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Creation of the American Constitution :: American America History

Creation of the American Constitution A constitution is the legal structure of our political system, establishing governmental bodies, determining how their members are selected, and prescribing the rules by which they make their decisions. The nation's founders, fifty-five men, met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to write a new constitution and to form a new government. George Washington was elected chairman of the convention.The founders were all very well-educated. Over half the delegates had collage degrees, which was rare in the North American continent at that time. They also had experience in governing. More than forty of the delegates held high offices in state governments, including three who were governors. The founders believed in the idea that the purpose of government was the protection of individual life, liberty and property. Following the election of George Washington as president of the convention, Governor Edmund Randolph of Virginia presented a draft of a new constitution .The Virginia Plan proposed a two house legislature. A lower house directly elected by the people of the states based on the population, and an upper house elected by the lower house.The congress was to have broad legislative power ,with veto over laws passed by state legislatures. The President and cabinet would be elected by legislature. The national judiciary would be elected by legislature , and their would be a "Council of Revision" with power to veto laws of Congress. Delegates from New Jersey , New York and Delaware did not agree to the Virginia Plan due to the great power delegated to the national government. William Paterson of New Jersey submitted a counterproposal .The New Jersey Plan proposed a one-house legislature, with equal state representation regardless of population. Congress had some legislative power, including levying some taxes and the regulation of commerce.The plan also proposed separate executive and judicial branches , elected by Congress and removable by petition from majority of state governors.The judiciary was appointed by the chief executive .The plan also included the supremacy clause , stating that the Constitution and federal laws would supersede over state constitutions and laws . After several months of debate , Roger Sherman of Connecticut came forward with a compromise.The Connecticut Compromise proposed a two-house legislature , with numerical representation in the directly elected House and equal state representation in the indirectly elected Senate. It also gave Congress broad legislative power, including the power to levy taxes and to regulate commerce . It proposed a single executive , chosen by an Electoral College .The judiciary would be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate .It also included the Supremacy Clause.