Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Automated Recording and Monitoring System Thesis - 6218 Words

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study As computer technology is rapidly changing our world, it has permitted man not only store his knowledge, but to organize, manipulate, and modify it systematically. Organizations nowadays are adapting to office automation systems. Most schools use automated systems to lessen their work and minimize their problems in their system, and ACT(Asian College of Technology) is one of the school that is would like to adapt computerization for a more productive output. Yet, there are still problems that the school can not avoid such as storing of the student’s records in their scholarship programs. Some files are inevitably misplaced or lost because of the manual recording process.†¦show more content†¦Vendors of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) products are now supporting UML and it has been endorsed by almost every maker of software development products , including IBM and Microsoft (for its Visual Basic environment). Martin Fowler, in his book UML Distilled, observes that, although UML is a notation system enabling people to communicate about a model, it is developed from methodologies that also describe the processes in developing and using the model. While there is no one accepted process, the contributors to UML all describe somewhat similar approaches and these are usually described along with tutorials about UML itself. Among the concepts of modeling that UML specifies how to describe are: class (of objects), object, association, responsibility, activity, interface, use case, package, sequence, collaboration, and state. Fowlers book provides a good introduction to UML. Booch, Rumbaugh, and Jacobson all have or soon will have published the official set of books on UML. UML is short for Unified Modelling Language and is an ISO ( International Standard) specification language for modelling objects. Its a refinement of earlier Object Oriented Design and Object Oriented Analysis methodologies. 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