Friday, May 8, 2020

Chinese History

Chinese HistoryWhile studying Chinese, you have to understand that the Chinese history is not a linear one. Even after studying Chinese for years, it is still a treat to explore some of these fascinating past events that have shaped the development of Chinese civilization and have given rise to many of the significant dates in the history of China.The oldest recorded account of Chinese history is the Zhou Dynasty. It began with the acquisition of purple silk and embroidery from India. From there, it spread throughout the country and it was also during this time that the famous Empress Wu gave birth to the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty.The Song Dynasty also falls under the first section of Chinese history. This period witnessed the founding of the first modern Chinese state and also it saw the widespread use of paper money. During this time, paper money had its own merit due to the flexibility and versatility of the material.The Jin Dynasty, which means the beginning of the Later H an Era and is the last of the Zhou Period lasted for seven years. It was during this time that the first capital was established, the second capital came after seven years, and the third capital came after twenty-two years. As a result, the emperors and dynasties of the Jin Dynasty set the stage for the existence of modern China.The Tang Dynasty or the Song Dynasty also constitute the final part of Chinese history. During this time, the first popular novel, the Book of Tang was written by an unknown writer. And from then on, novels soon began to sprout like mushrooms.During the Jin Dynasty, people took part in the First Opium War, the Sino-Japanese War, the Boxer Rebellion, the Taiping Rebellion, the Opium War and the Great Wall of China War. One can say that it was during this period that China became a great empire.During the reign of Emperor Wu, the Baekje Dynasty was established which saw the settling of Korea, Japan and Formosa and also the building of the Great Wall of China. Today, the Great Wall of China is still there, but more travelers come to Hong Kong to see its amazing beauty.During the rule of Emperor Yi, the Northern Song Dynasty took place. In the Southern Song Dynasty, the unification of Korea happened. During the rule of Emperor Wang, the Ming Dynasty started and he brought about its most famous book, the Book of Changes.

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